Instrumentos Jurídicos Internacionales

Normas y acuerdos internacionales en temas de cuidado del medio ambiente, cambio climático y finanzas sostenibles, con enlaces a los documentos completos o sus sitios oficiales:

  • Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC, 1992)
  • Protocolo de Kioto (1997)
  • Acuerdo de París (2015)
  • Convenio de Basilea sobre el Control de los Movimientos Transfronterizos de Residuos Peligrosos y su Eliminación (1989)
  • Convenio de Estocolmo sobre Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (2001)
  • Convenio de Rotterdam sobre el Procedimiento de Consentimiento Fundamentado Previo (1998)
  • Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB, 1992)
  • Protocolo de Montreal sobre Sustancias que Agotan la Capa de Ozono (1987)
  • Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales
  • Convenio Internacional para la Prevención de la Contaminación por los Buques (MARPOL, 1973)
  • Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS, 2015)
  • Convención Ramsar sobre Humedales de Importancia Internacional (1971)
  • Convención de las Naciones Unidas para Combatir la Desertificación (1994)
  • Principios de Inversión Responsable (PRI)
  • Recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Divulgaciones Financieras Relacionadas con el Clima (TCFD)
  • Principios de Banca Responsable de la Iniciativa Financiera del PNUMA
  • Normas de Bonos Verdes (Green Bond Principles, GBP)
  • Marco para la Taxonomía de la Unión Europea

Proceso MICI

Cartas de reclamo presentadas por organizaciones locales y sociales de la región: 

Primera carta (16 may 2024):

Anexo carta Queja (11 sep 2024):

Alcance Anexo (12 sep 2024):

Resolución de MICI:

“El 13 de septiembre de 2024, el MICI determinó que la Solicitud era elegible porque cumplía con todos los criterios establecidos en la Política del MICI, pero excluyendo del proceso MICI los temas relacionados con la decisión de Banco sobre la operación financiera y la utilización del Canje de Deuda como instrumento. El caso se ha transferido a la Fase de Consulta, que evaluará la viabilidad de iniciar un proceso de resolución de disputas.”

Estado actual MICI:

Notificación de registro (12 jun 2024): file:///E:/CDES/CAMPA%C3%91A%202023/MICI/MICI-BID-EC-2024-0229%20%20Notificaci%C3%B3n%20de%20Registro%20de%20Solicitud.pdf

Pronunciamiento MICI (18 nov 2024):

#newsletter: Construction of Integrity Principles for Debt Swaps

#newsletter: Construction of Integrity Principles for Debt Swaps

Quito, 19 october 2024

In a joint effort by LATINDADD (Latin American Network for Economic and Social Justice) and CDES (Center for Economic and Social Rights), the first draft of the “High-Integrity Principles for Debt Swaps” is presented as part of ongoing efforts to promote climate and fiscal justice. This draft encourages global collaboration to develop and implement debt swaps that uphold high standards of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity.

The global community—including governments, multilateral institutions, private actors, and civil society organizations—is invited to actively participate in shaping and refining these principles. The document emphasizes the importance of transparency in negotiations, democratic participation, and independent auditing to ensure a fair distribution of benefits, especially for the most vulnerable communities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transparency and Accountability: Ensure open and timely access to information from negotiations through project implementation.
  • Inclusive Governance: Actively involve local communities in decision-making and ensure equitable benefit sharing.
  • Environmental and Social Safeguards: Embed safeguards to protect human rights and environmental integrity.
  • Global Collaboration: A coordinated effort is essential to mobilize resources, develop metrics, and create systemic change in debt swap structures.

Next Steps for Engagement:

1. LATINDADD and CDES invite all interested parties to participate in public dialogues at international forums, such as COP29 and the Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity.

2. Contributions and feedback are encouraged and should be submitted by December 10 via [email protected] or [email protected]

3. A revised version of the draft will be produced based on the input received, ensuring the effectiveness and integrity of future debt swaps.

Join Us in This Collective Effort to Foster High-Integrity Debt Swaps!

Access the text:



Debt swaps linked to nature and climate action are emerging as a tool for developing countries to alleviate their external debt burden. However, concerns are raised about the lack of transparency and limitations imposed by creditors, which may hinder the autonomy of these countries in implementing their own development plans.

This paper seeks to present key principles to guide the structuring and implementation of high-integrity debt swaps to ensure that debt swaps not only reduce debt, but also respect the rights of communities and promote climate and financial justice. The need for an equitable distribution of benefits and the limitation of conditionalities that may affect the sovereignty of debtor countries is emphasized. It is about building a future where sustainability and social justice go hand in hand.